Gebze Motosiklet Kulübü
Who Are We ?

Who Are We ?

Who Are We ?

Welcome Guest…

We are a few motorcycle driver in Gebze which is one of the big business cities of Turkey.

We regularly have organisations like short trips, long travels, champing programs, meetings, off-road driving, driving training, first aid training and other organisations.

We have a lot of motorcycle styles like chopper, racing, enduro but we have a common denominator which is motorcycle.

Turkey has an unbelievable natural beauty and if you want to see this beauty you can join in to our world.

– Our Offical Travel Reports, Organizations and Meetings Photos HERE

– Please click HERE to be a member.

– Please click HERE to share your personal trip( Personal Ride reports ) reports. Be sure that we will like to see them.


Freedom ? It is our soul..